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For Sale > General Items > Sports, bikes

Ad Number: 231564

Location: Yellowknife, NT

Posted: Feb 6th 2025 at 8:24am

CZ 455 22 magnum mags scopes ammo

Only shot as many times as there is ammo missing from the box. Very good to excellent condition.  

CZ 455 Canadian edition in 22 magnum 

Bushnell Legend Ultra HD 1.75-5 Mounted in warne rings and bore sighted

2x 10-round magazines and 1x 5-round magazine

Over 500 rounds off cci ammo (all shown in the pics) 

 Sling included

PAL a must

900 for rifle, rings, mags, and ammo

add 40 for older 4x tasco scope

add 80 for older 2.5x bushnell scope

add 200 for bushnell legend ultra HD 1.75-5x


Possible full/partial trades- I'll add cash for the right trade:

Non restricted lever action 

Aluminum boat 

Old quad/atv 

You can try other NR pews or high end knives. 

Price: $ 900.00

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